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Disable Trees Option - No Effect
Hi everybody

It has no effect, when I disable the trees. They are nevertheless showned on the track and in the mirror...what's wrong? Although I have a good enough PC I get significant FPS hits by trees (FE Green ie.)....

Thanks for any hint!
Quote from Scawen :I've written to my ATI contact. Obviously i don't know when he is back from holidays or whatever. Hopefully he'll be able to contact the driver developers.

Thanks Scawen! I'll write to ATI too.
Quote from Scawen :I hope most of you guys have reported it to ATI. They won't know about the problem unless you tell them, and i guess they won't take it seriously if they only hear it from a couple of people.

Remember, one thing about LFS is it's using DirectX 8.1 - have you tried any other DirectX 8.1 games? I think most new games are using DirectX 9. Of course, i have absolutely no idea if it's anything to do with the version of Direct X. But perhaps their main focus would be DX 9 and they'd just run a quick test to make sure that older versions of DX still worked ok.

They really need to run LFS in a debug version of their drivers. to see where the problem lies. There's not much i can do other than make sure LFS doesn't cause any Direct X errors - and i'm always in debug mode when i'm developing, to make sure there aren't any. So i'm pretty sure the problem is in the drivers.

Hmmm...that's a point. Actually I don't tested a DirectX 8.1 game...can someone do that? I've no DirectX 8.1 game anymore...

Perhabs ATI takes it serious if a developper writes and not the "Joe Jedermann" [what's the right name for that in english?]. What do you think Scawen?
Last edited by The Devil Is A Squirrel, .
Quote from Agent248 :Have an X800XT and since I switched driver, i got the exact same issues as you guys, 5.12 and 5.13 doesn't work at all...

I have tried different FSAA, Adaptive AA, Anisotropic, etc, etc setting without any luck, seem to be something weird with those driver...

Too bad, I'm going back to 5.11...

The same here, with other games no problem...only with LFS. I've tested on 3 fresh windows installations....

My system:
ATI GTO2 256mb (cat. 5.13)
2gb ram
3x samsung spinpoint
Quote from MAGGOT :We all make dumb mistakes sometimes

Make sure the 3-letter prefixes are right for the current version of S2. Outside of that, I have no idea what the problem could be.


You mean that: 'FO8_sauber.jpg'?

To be sure, the car should be selectable in the 'normal' garage screen, right?
Quote from MAGGOT :You've unzipped them, right?

I am maybe dumb, but not so dumb ^^
Quote from Tweaker :You put them in your LFS/data/skins folder?

(Dont put them in your skins_x folder, that is for skins you download while playing online, and you cannot choose them from that folder while in your garage)

Yes, I did.
Quote from Gobby :Updated my F1 skinpack. Mainly Jordan but also Williams and McLaren are updated. [EDIT] Minardi also updated, haven't updated the preview pic.

Thanks to every1 who has used/commented on/thanked me for these skins.
Sorry to any1 who are now sick of seeing FO8s in F1 liveries.


p.s 1mb upload limit on forum sux

Maybe I'm too dumb but it will not work...the new skins will not shown in the game, I can't choose them. The directory should be right...what did I wrong?
Quote from Bob Smith :More details would help with any explanation. Is this the first time it has done this? Seems very strange. I wouldn't have thought LFS would ever need to connect to a machine on port 80 since it doesn't (appear to) have a web browser in it.

Edit: ok someone more knowledgeable beat me to it.

It happen's every time immediately after clicking on lfs.exe...
Ok, thanks! So I will disable this action...
LfS connects Microsoft?
Can anyone explain me this?
Quote from 96 GTS :If these options were implemented on a private server, it would be just ideal, which I think is what you were planning to do, but heck, I'd love to see stuff like permanant damage on a few public servers, it's totally unrealistic to smash into a wall at 200 km/h, hit one button, be instantly transported to the pits, and have a brand new car.

Yeah. What's about with different servers? some which are realistic and some which are more like arcade...? Just an idea...
Quote from marsden1002 :...but think the cockpit view is a little unfair, not just because of the hardware problems for some people, but some people have different driving styles, and why should they have to change to race on some servers (i know about the "fairness" your trying to create)

The answer is simple: Just because I want that. Perhabs I (or someone else) would like to create a closed server, so you even can't join this server. I think we have to accept, that not everyone want a race who everyone can do what he wants. Some of us would like to have more given rules (the view, the gear, the pit stop, the damage, and and and), so we need more server setting. That don't brakes LfS down, rather it would enricht the game because the diversity is higher. In reverse you should allow to everyone to enable the ABS-System or the anti-slip control because perhabs someone has another driving style....

In addition to my remarks, because it can make the game more realistic. It's just not realistic to drive with the behind view, it's not realitic to re-join in the race after a total crash. You don't have to implement this as a default, that's not what I'm want. I wish on the server side to have the option to preset such things, so I can decide how realistic how specified the race should be. Nothing else.
Thanks for this good discussion!

Nearby, I didn't talked about an option which makes it only possible to force the cockpit-view, I wished an option for every view. GTS has pointed my view out. Thats what I dream about.
Quote from XCNuse :? you made a 2nd thread for this?

First I asked the community in the general section whether this feature exists. The answer was no. So I create a thread in this section because it's not a general discussion anymore...

So what's your problem?
Quote from Woz :I am all for these sort of setting, and had the same view in the RSC thread.

NR2003 was the game that had a setting where you can force cockpit view along with a range of visual settings so you know that everyone has the same view.

I wanted it to go further in LFS as well and disable the jump to pits and the space bar to reset the car etc. Also if you spectate you can't rejoin the race etc.

As I stated at the time, I really doubt you will see this setting used on many public servers as its the sort of thing used in leagues etc.

So thumbs up froim me

Thanks, so please join here
Preset the view setting and the gearbox
Hi all

I have started here a discussion about presetting on the server (as a feature) the view and the gearbox.

Please don't talk about whether the option makes sense to you and your computer because that just don't matter in the discussion if the FEATURE could be implemented and whether it would enrich the game or not.

Keep in mind, that LfS is still in a growth phase, so every little feature that enrich the game and cost nearly nothing to implement it, is a good and not a bad thing

[I'm not a very good english speaker/writer, so please don't be affected if my wording sounds rude to you...I not intend to be rude ]
Quote from Gunn :I think some of you are missing his point. He wants to set limitations to create fair and equal conditions on his server. This is the "racing environment" he wishes to create so that all of his competitors are on an even keel in respect to gearbox and view. It is quite irrelevant if we think it is unfair or a bad idea for a public server, or unfair for slow PCs, or contrary to the way we like to race. If a person hosts a server with a set of conditions or rules; he has put those conditions in place to prevent certain actions. For people to disagree with these conditions is fruitless, the conditions are there precisely for the reason of attracting only certain racers.

If his server had a setting that forced cockpit view then only racers who agree with that condition will race on that server. Mission accomplished.

That's it! Thanks mate! I will post this thread under suggestion and improvments
Quote from three_jump :hmm, if you force views on a public server, those who don't like will not join... Not making much sense apart you're making a league (I know that the ESL UK is using right hand drive for example).
Public races are more like free "fun" races where you look for equal drivers you can have hard and fair races with. who cares about the helps they are using?


Yeah, I agree, but I didn't talked explicit about public where is the problem? Some like this some not, everyone have the choice to join or even not.
Quote from 96 GTS :Well, actually, it does. People who don't have very good computers can't run cockpit view at any sort of decent framerate, although the wheels view works fine. A forced cockpit view would be unfair to them.

That's no argument. With my 24" wide-display I can see more than many others.
Quote from 96 GTS :There was a rather lengthy discussion about a forced cockpit view back at RSC, and I don't think it was ever implemented. Even though I drive in the cockpit with a manual, I don't think it's fair to force someone to drive in a way they're not familiar with.

That's your opinion. I think this feature does not hurt anyone...
Quote from Rumiko :And how do you intend to do that?

Server setting. Nothing special. It's a standard feature...
Quote from ColeusRattus :That ain't nice... When I think of switzerland, I think of chocolate and money. Not of server-dictators :P

The money is gone and chocolate is an export product ^^.

Back to topic: It's not a dictate because it makes sure, that everyone drives in the same way...same conditions to everyone..
Yeah, but I will force it.
Preset the view and the gearbox
Hi all

Is it possible to preset the view (ex. cockpit) and the gearbox (manuell or automatic) for all drivers? I didn't found this option yet...

Thanks for feedback!